Majid Ranani’s word is his bond

by on 14 October 2019

In 2017, when Mr. Solly Noor (WMO President) envisioned and announced the Legacy projects, Mr. Ranani had pledged to construct two housing colonies in India to provide homes to our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

Mr. Majid Ranani has been one of the stalwarts of WMO. A businessman of note, this patron member of the organization shuttles between India and the Middle East to oversee his vast food grain supply network with exports to all corners of the World. Mr. Ranani played an important catalyst in reviving WMO in India during the early part of the decade and has served as the former Vice President of WMO India Chapter.

In a short span of 18 months, two housing colonies were built in the towns of Akola and Malegaon. The Legacy housing projects were aptly named Ashiyaana. The word ‘Ashiyaana’ means a nest. A most enduring legacy – a roof over the heads of underprivileged families of the Memon Community – a nest for all to come home to.

From bathroom fittings, electrical appliances and kitchenware, all the needs had been addressed as the Ashiyaana Housing projects were ready to welcome more than 50 marginalized families into their fold. Mr. Ranani has been instrumental in completing several housing projects in the state of Maharashtra under his watchful eye. He personally inspects and supervises the projects, taking care of every minute detail. He spares no expenses, sometimes delving deep into his pockets to take care of the comfort of the underprivileged families who cannot afford even the basic necessities in their new homes.

We can only stand up and applaud Mr. Ranani for his tireless services to Humanity.